Work With Me - Backdoor | Sara Payne LLC
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Let's see if these sound familiar:

raise your hand
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You thought your life would be easier after residency.

but you keep coming back to resentment and anger.

The truth is, some things ARE easier, but some things aren’t. You thought you’d have more time with him and you don’t.

You thought you’d have more time to take that class, or finally make your health a priority. You thought it would finally be YOUR turn to use the family resources for some of the things YOU want. You thought you would feel different. And you don’t.

If any of this sounds familiar, I want you to know this:

There’s nothing wrong with you. You didn’t make a huge mistake by going into medicine.

It’s not too late to take your turn.

You don’t have to feel trapped by his career anymore.
You don’t have to choose between his career, what’s best for your family, and what you desire.

there is room for all of it - flipped
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There is room for all of it.

you don’t have to choose between your dreams and his career.

In Doctors’ Wives Only, you’ll learn how to become an equal partner in your marriage.

How to communicate your wants without feeling demanding or selfish.

You’ll stop keeping a mental tally of everything you’re missing out on because of his career and instead put your energy into doing the things you feel called to do.

Because the world needs what you have to offer, too.

You weren’t meant to be a backup dancer to his career.

And you can pursue your desires without sacrificing your family’s well-being.

I have combined everything I’ve learned

from my experience as a doctors’ wife, from coaching my clients, and from my training as a Master Certified Life Coach

into a program that will give you the tools and skills you need to drop the resentment in your marriage and come out of the shadow of your husband’s career.

I have combined everything I've learned
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Along with all the tools that will help you create the marriage you long for, you’ll also learn how to:

It’s possible to be grateful for your life AND advocate for changes that are important to you.

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many doctor's wives feel alone
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Many doctors’ wives feel alone and misunderstood

because there isn’t exactly a line of people eager to hear about the challenges of being married to medicine.

You don’t have a place to share your struggles. Especially because a lot of people think you shouldn’t have any.

Until now. In Doctors’ Wives Only you’ll come together with a small group of women who share the common desire to better their marriages and their lives. A group of women who are committed to learning how to remove the stumbling blocks in their relationship.

It’s a safe space where you can bring all of your crazy and all of your ugly and you will be met with love and compassion.

Every time.

No exceptions.

You get to come exactly as you are--but you won’t stay that way.

You will learn how to change every relationship in your life from the inside out.

You can have a resentment-free marriage. Coaching is the solution to get you there.

You might be thinking, ‘I shouldn’t need someone to help me figure my life out. I’m capable of doing that on my own.’
That’s what I thought.

I was resourceful and scrappy in so many areas of my life. I thought I should be able to do it without help.

come exactly as you are
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I thought getting help meant there was something wrong with me.

And yet, I wasn’t figuring my life out on my own.

Sure, I could put on a happy face and pretend that I was managing everything great.

But inside I felt so completely alone.

Doing the same thing over and over for years.

Hoping to get a different result.

Until I found coaching.

And everything changed.

you don't have to put your ideal life on hold
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You don’t have to put your ideal life on hold any longer.

You’ve waited long enough.

It will jump start you on the path to creating a life where his job is no longer in your way. A life where you no longer feel full of resentment and regret.

A life where you make time for your dreams, his career, and your family’s well-being.

What would it be like to…

Have the energy to pursue what lights you up inside?

You’ll learn how to drop the resentment in your marriage and you’ll have so much more energy to focus on the things you feel called to do.

Whether it’s finally decluttering your closets, opening your own business, going back to school, 
or accomplishing a health goal that you’ve put on the back burner for years.
let go of resentment
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Here’s what you’ll experience in Doctors’ Wives Only

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doctor's wives only includes
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Group Coaching for Doctors’ Wives Only Includes:

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Join Doctor's Wives Only

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© 2024 Sara Payne Coaching

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