Episode 173: How to Create a Safe Space for Yourself to Grow | Sara Payne LLC

Episode 173: How to Create a Safe Space for Yourself to Grow

Safety is a prerequisite for change. If you have goals you want to accomplish or habits you want to change, this podcast is a must. I want to share with you how to accomplish what you want to accomplish without beating yourself up. You can’t hate yourself thin. You can’t get yourself to wake up earlier by calling yourself a slug. These aren’t ways to accomplish your goals. So in this episode I’m going to share with you my 3 S’s for creating a safe space for yourself. If you’re ready to accomplish your goals and enjoy doing it, this is a must!

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Ready to stop feeling angry at your husband

before he even walks through the door at night?

Not keeping score doesn’t require you to keep quiet and silently seeth while doing everything on your own. It does help you let go of anger and resentment and focus on solutions instead of scoreboards. It means you make room for working together instead of feeling isolated and alone.

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About Sara

I’m Sara – a certified life coach and I help the doctor’s wife stop being the
backup dancer to her husband’s career. I help them take care of their brains so they can create the life they’ve been looking forward to since the first year of
medical school.

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