Episode 243: The law of least effort
Most of us grew up in a culture that values hard work and effort. This week I teach you a different perspective that I learned from one of my mentors, Deepak Chopra. I think you’re going to love it.
Most of us grew up in a culture that values hard work and effort. This week I teach you a different perspective that I learned from one of my mentors, Deepak Chopra. I think you’re going to love it.
before he even walks through the door at night?
Not keeping score doesn’t require you to keep quiet and silently seeth while doing everything on your own. It does help you let go of anger and resentment and focus on solutions instead of scoreboards. It means you make room for working together instead of feeling isolated and alone.
I’m Sara – a certified life coach and I help the doctor’s wife stop being the
backup dancer to her husband’s career. I help them take care of their brains so they can create the life they’ve been looking forward to since the first year of
medical school.
© 2025 Sara Payne Coaching