Episode 189: What Does Desire Have to do with Resentment | Sara Payne LLC

Episode 189: What Does Desire Have to do with Resentment

I recently had an experience with a child that made me think about the difference between helping and fixing. Helping someone is something we do when they ask for it. Fixing is something we do to make ourselves feel better. And if you listened to last week’s podcast, you’ll know that control is just a way to make ourselves feel better. So, listen to this episode and find out how to notice when you’re trying to fix things for someone else to make yourself feel better and what you can do instead.
Inspiration Station: Atlas of the Heart by Brené BrownWe as humans have a desire to grow and to evolve. It’s part of our DNA. I believe it’s part of our spiritual DNA – something that we inherited from our Heavenly Parents. But why do we sometimes feel resentment about our desires? Resentment feels like a powerful emotion, but is it really resentment we’re feeling? Listen to this week’s episode to find out what is actually lurking under the surface when we’re feeling resentment about our desires.
Inspiration Station: I want to share with you a couple of Instagram accounts that I follow that always bring a smile to my face. The first one is Trey Kennedy (https://www.instagram.com/treynkennedy/) . The second one is the Johnson Files (https://www.instagram.com/johnsonfiles/). Both are clean comedy and I think you’ll get a kick out of them!

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Ready to stop feeling angry at your husband

before he even walks through the door at night?

Not keeping score doesn’t require you to keep quiet and silently seeth while doing everything on your own. It does help you let go of anger and resentment and focus on solutions instead of scoreboards. It means you make room for working together instead of feeling isolated and alone.

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About Sara

I’m Sara – a certified life coach and I help the doctor’s wife stop being the
backup dancer to her husband’s career. I help them take care of their brains so they can create the life they’ve been looking forward to since the first year of
medical school.